The alpacas, on the other hand, have nice cool barn they
could be laying about in. And where are they? Sunbathing for all they’re worth.
(You’ll have to take my word for it that they where all sleeping right before I
took this, but they saw the camera and immediately jumped up to see if I was
bringing them something tasty.)
We have been splitting the difference as we tend yard and
house. Though yesterday we took a well-deserved break from work and took the
Suzuki out to the Pinal Mountains for some off-roading.
While we were driving we came across a lovely metal sign
that read “Grannies Pass”. Intrigued we stopped and got out. A short walk off
the trail we came upon a small, well, I guess you would call it a cemetery.
There were seven or eight memorials. Some simple crosses, others elaborate
affairs of metal engravings and concrete. Some were placed quite recent; I
noticed a date from last year on one. We have no idea who placed the memorials,
but they found a very peaceful place for their friends or
families to spend
But rest time is over and now it’s back to work. The gardens
have been producing nicely. We had the first corn of the season last night.
Yummmmmmy! Last year I left the ears
too long on the stalks and most of the corn got tough. This year I picked off a
bunch and spent the morning shucking and blanching the ears in preparation for
freezing. I also did a mess of green beans, pureed some cucumbers for freezing
in ice trays, (you can use the cuke cubes for smoothies through out the year) and
shredded a bunch of zucchinis to freeze for zucchini bread down the road when
we are not completely sick of it.
I learned a nifty trick to get all the air out of the
freezer bags when preparing the veggies for the freezer. Fill up a bowl with
water. Place the desired amount of food in the freezer bag.
Then submerse the open
bag into the water up to the seal point.
Zip it close and, viola, minimal air
left behind!
I wonder if this method would work for fleece bags? I
think I will probably not try and find out.
1 comment:
Hi! Where abouts are you guys located? I'm just about 5 miles west of Casa Grande and am starting my homestead out here, starting a blog as well! I would love to follow your journey if you get back to posting. I will have to go through all your old entries. =)
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