Thursday, July 26, 2012

So it turns out, when you have a blog, if you don't update it periodically, all your friends gang up on you. Maybe, sometimes, there just isn't a whole lot to say. Damit.
Anyway, a few of us got together last weekend and played around with some of our fiber. I made a couple of new nuno scarves. I wanted to get some practice as I will be teaching a class on the topic Aug 25th at In A Pear Tree in Casa Grande. This time I used some silk gauze. For the class we'll be using silk scarves.
We've had a bit of rain so far this monsoon. The grass was getting pretty tall and I'm not feeling inclined to drag to mower out, so I let the boys lose. All the boys, big and small. There were a few minor scuffles but for the most part everybody was more focused on eating than posturing. They managed to clean out the corn patch pretty quickly. I'll probably hae to let the out a few more time to see any improvement to the lawn.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy July! I think, after a flurry of activity this last month, things will quite down and we will be able to enjoy the dog days of summer. And Summer is well and truly upon us. The girls have abandoned the front field and spend most of the day in the breeze way sitting in front of fans and coolers. The boys have been in front of the coolers since we turned them on. Read that any way you want, I don't judge. It seems that the alpacas don't mind the heat so much (the girls were still out sunbathing even though it was 108 degrees or better) as the humidity. As monsoon approaches the humidity is slowly climbing.
We rescued some feral kittens a couple of weeks back.
Their mom went missing when they were about four weeks old. It took a bit of doing, but we did finally manage to track the litter down four days after the last sighting of their mother. We've found homes for two of the kittens and are still looking for homes for the remaining three. We'll be working on getting them fixed shortly and then we'll post them on a local adaption sight. Everybody think happy, new homes for kittens thoughts.

We also assisted Arizona Llama rescue with find a home for some suri alpacas that had to be surrendered by their owner. The suris; Tommy, Dawn and Lola, are awaiting the trip to their new home on northern AZ as soon as everybody can get their schedules worked out.

I guess the big thing for us, was a trip to Branson for a family reunion with my folks and siblings and their families. It was a long drive but well worth the trip. My parents planned the outing in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. It's been twelve years since all of us where together in the same spot. Like all good families, we just took up right where we left off. There was much laughing and catching up. I don't think I've eaten that well in a long time! My niece Meghan tried her hand at spinning,
and it turns out she's a natural, it must be in the genes! though she wasn't too thrilled with me snapping a photo of her working. Sadly, Brian and I couldn't figure out a way to become professional vacationers, so Monday morning we went trudging back to work.
On the drive back we stopped at a rest area in Texas and I just had to snap this photo. Comforting to know that if you can out run the tornado, they've built a bunker for you to hide in. Don't forget to wash your hands on the way out.

On a happy note, however, while we were gone, Dot managed to get all of our fleeces washed. Now we just have to send them up to Linda for picking!