Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Winding down

Oh to have a cats life

Well, going back to work after a couple of weeks of a very light schedule has been rather tough. There are still dozens of things around the farm that need to be done. Brian did manage to get the temporary fencing replaced with much nicer permanent stuff, but we still need to set up an area for Legend, who will be coming back at the end of the month. Legend is one of those super alpha males that just wants to knock the snot out of all other males, so he has to get his own “space”. We’ll have him next to the yearling boys, which means we need to reinforce that fence, since he has a tendency to try and climb them.
Have any of you read that alpacas don’t challenge fences? Well I have to amend that to say MOST alpacas don’t challenge fences. Legend just thinks you’re daring him to get to the other side.
Other than that, life has settled down to a pleasant routine. Jacko is doing well and growing strong.

Not bad considering we thought we had lost him at least twice in the past two months. We’ve been doing some breeding and Momo and Godiva have been spitting off. Don has made a couple of field trips to visit a girlfriend and the last time he was out, she treated him so badly. We were all really happy to see that, Don; not so much. Tyche is due in February and then we should be done with crias until next fall. Hopefully ’09 will be a little kinder to us in the breeding department than ’08 was.
Now it’s back to fleece work. I’ve been cleaning and storing away fleece for our next run to the mill. The plan is to have the fleece sent out in February. We’ll see how close we actually get to that mark. Plus there will be time in the shop, carding cria fleeces that can’t go to the mill. So much to do, so little time. Maybe I can train the dogs to sort and card fleece…

See ya later!